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Wine Fining and Clarifying Agents
Our Wine Fining Agents include traditional chemical clarifying agents such as Bentonite and Sparkolloid, plus several newer ones with more specific applications. Refer to our Clarifying Your Wine document for more information about each fining agent and their recommended uses. Use these various agents to produce a clearer, more brilliant finished wine. Fining agents may also be used for initial rough clarification before first filtering to make more economical use of filter media.
Best practice for commercial wineries is to test a variety of agents to determine the best agent and rate of use. This is less practical for home winemakers working with smaller batches, in which case a good method is to try a fining agent with a high probability of working, knowing that another one may have to be tried.
Learn more about Wine Fining Agents for Clarification on our Winemaking 101 page.
Also see our full line of Wine Filters for those who may require faster, more complete clarification.
Bentonite Powder, Volclay KWK Krystal Klear

Potassium Caseinate (Kolorfine) Powder

Copper Sulfate, Liquid 1% Solution

Silica Gel (Kieselsol), NALCO 1072, 30% Colloidal Silica

Super Kleer Liquid: 150 mL Two Part Packet

Bentonite Powder, Volclay KWK Krystal Klear Bulk 50 lbs

Zyme-O-Clear, Liquid Pectic Enzyme