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Wine Filter Units and Housings
Our available wine filtering pumps and housings offer you a variety of choices to best filter your home or commercially made wine, resulting in a brilliantly clear finished wine. Our filter pads and cartridge filters come in a variety of filtration options to allow you to obtain the level of wine filtration you desire in your finished wine.
Among our wine filters you will find our own PIWC brand Cartridge Filter Housings, which have been assembled and sold by us for over 45 years. Different configurations are available, but all are ready to use as soon as a cartridge is inserted and prepped.
Also see our Wine Fining Agents to clarify your wine if you decide wine filtering is not right for you.
PIWC Wine Filter Unit: 10" Stainless Steel Filter Housing with 100gph Stainless Steel Filter Pump

PIWC Wine Filter Unit: 10" Plastic Filter Housing with 100gph Brass Filter Pump