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WINE4GOODWINE4GOOD - Presque Isle Wine Cellars Community Giving Program
At Presque Isle we are proud of our local community and the wider wine and winemaking communities of which we are a part and thankful to those communities for their support of our business. We try our best to be a good and helpful member of those communities. To that end we have created our WINE4GOOD Community Giving Program to bring together the enjoyment of good wine with the enjoyment of helping community members in need. In this program we identify deserving and effective charities to work with and set up initiatives where we donate a percentage of sales under the initiative back to the target charity. We vet the charities we work with carefully to make sure they have a well-defined and useful mission, a good ethical track record, and a record of effectively managing and directing donated funds to the mission rather than to administration and overhead. Below are descriptions of our current WINE4GOOD Programs.
We welcome worthy charities who would like to work with us to join our program and set up their own WINE4GOOD charitable donation code. Interested charities should contact us for more details.
Pink it Up – Join the Fight against Breast Cancer Some quick stats about breast cancer. It is the most common invasive cancer in women comprising about 30% of cancers diagnosed in women. In the US, about 1 in 8 women will develop some form of breast cancer during their lives. In the coming year about 270,000 new cases of breast cancer in the US are expected to be diagnosed and about 41,000 women are expected to die from the disease. The US has the highest incidence of breast cancer in the world but both the number of cases and the number of deaths have been on the decrease in the last 25 years, due to increased awareness, screening, and risk mitigation and improved treatment options and tools. The numbers are still unacceptably huge, though, and there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done and a tremendous amount of progress to be made.
With such a high prevalence of breast cancer, most of us have either been directly affected by the disease or have friends or family that have been. The effects of the disease on the victim can be profound and because our moms, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, and women friends and colleagues are so central to our lives and to keeping them on track, the rippling effects and stress to families and friends of the victim multiply the pain and damage the disease can wreak. Women are also central to our business – many of our key staff are women as are a majority of our customers - so we are all in for helping the fight against this pernicious disease and helping victims and their families cope with its effects.
We thought a natural tie-in was our delicious, popular, award-winning, and vibrantly pink Lake Erie Pink Catawba wine so through our Pink It Up program we donate $1 for each bottle sold of our Pink Catawba split equally among three excellent breast cancer related charities that serve both local and national needs and that focus on different areas of the fight - Feel Your Boobies Foundation, Linked by Pink, and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We also sell pink wristbands at our retail stores and donate 100% of the profits from those sales. Click Here to learn more about each of these charities.
If Pink Catawba, which is a sweet, very fruity wine is not your cup of tea, No Worries! You can still get into the action by using coupon code BCWINE4GOOD with your online wine order or wine purchase. We will donate 15% of sales for any of our award-winning wines purchased using the BCWINE4GOOD coupon to our breast cancer charity group as well. Visit our online wine store or see our complete Wine Catalog to learn about all our great wines.
MSWINE4GOOD – Fighting Multiple Sclerosis The scourge of MS is very personal to us. A very close family friend of our Owners has lived with the disease for over 25 years. While our friend still lives a very full life – an active grandmother and delightful company game for most anything – the disease has taken much from her and heaped challenges and stresses on her and her family that no one should have to face. The disease has left her unable to continue her career, has taken her ability to walk and drive and get around on her own, has left her more susceptible to other health issues and injuries, and left her in need of assistance for many daily activities most of us take for granted. They, like other MS families, must also face the financial challenges of the loss of one breadwinner, difficulty finding affordable health insurance, high annual healthcare costs even with insurance, and the costs of assistance services. In the face of these daily challenges their family pulls together and meets them with selflessness and grace, with good humor and no self-pity. It’s really quite inspiring but it would of course be so much better if they didn’t have to face any of it. So, in honor of our friends’ courage, stamina, and grace in the face of unfair and undeserved challenges we are all in for the fight against MS and are pleased to make a 15% donation to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of all online wine orders or wine purchases made using coupon code MSWINE4GOOD.
We recognize a lot of MS fundraising is done by teams participating in such events as WalkMS and BikeMS around the country. We are happy to work with these teams to provide their own unique team coupon codes so donations can be linked and credited to the team. Please contact us if you are interested in setting up a personalized coupon for your MS Team.
SEWINE4GOOD – SafeNet Erie Fighting Domestic Violence We are pleased to be working with SafeNet Erie a wonderful local charity providing emergency shelter and a range of support services to domestic violence victims and their families. We will donate 15% of sales for any of our award-winning wines purchased using the SEWINE4GOOD coupon to SafeNet Erie. Visit our online wine store or see our complete Wine Catalog to learn about all our great wines.