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Instructions for using Bentonite

Bentonite in Wine making

Bentonite is a good general purpose fining agent used by home and commercial winemakers which is easy to prepare and does not adversely affect your wine flavor. It is especially effective in correcting protein instability, and also preventing cloudiness. It does not remove tannins so nothing else has to be used in conjunction with it.

Krystal Klear KWK Bentonite is a special formulation of bentonite which disperses much more quickly and provides a higher ratio of positive to negative sites for protein absorption. The average dry particle size is between 20 and 70 mesh. It is high-purity, has a high content of montmorillonite and is low-grit. It can be used in wine, juice, cider and vinegar for increased clarityBentonite Powder, Volclay KWK Krystal Klear: Wine making Additives and Chemicals

Usage Rate

It is best to do bench trials to determine the proper usage rate. However, using 1-2 grams per gallon has often been found to be adequate when used post-fermentation. Up to 5 grams per gallon may be needed when used during wine fermentation.


In your clean preparation container make a thin slurry using 20 ml of water per gram of bentonite needed. For example, if making up a batch for 5 gallons of wine, slowly mix 5 grams of bentonite (1 tsp) in 100ml (3 ½ oz) of water. Do not use wine for making the slurry. Vigorous mixing may get the bentonite fully hydrated in about 10 minutes. Either hot or cold water can be used but hot water should make hydration faster & easier. Make sure all particles are wetted (no lumps). Add to the wine and stir. Settling will normally take about a week, after which time wine can be racked off the sediment.


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